This is where our adventure into orthodox tea re-started (after stopping black orthodox production in the 1960s in favour of CTC or Cut Tea and Curl). In the early 2000's we had started to read about 'white tea' in popular magazines. Being nearly 100 years in the tea business and not knowing what this was stimulated our creative juices. The first trials were done by 'Chip' our Chairman in his office where he dried silver tips in the saucer of his teacup! After geeking out and drying, weighing and tasting different components of a shoot of many different varietals, we have over time managed to develop some world class white teas. Thanks to early support from companies like Rare Tea www.raretea.co.uk for helping us turn them into commercial products that are found in such acclaimed restaurants such as Noma and The Blue Barn.
- Neat small leaf. Bright lime greens & rainforest emerald with silver tips
- Pale amber
- Spicy with a hint of sweet roses
- Vegetal & some herbal spicy tones.
Touches of lime blossoms.
- Lighter in body then the Bvumbwe
variety. Great to taste in an ICE tea
with fresh Malawian sugarcane, lemon
& crushed ice

- Autumn brunette colours with gold & silver tips
- Light red honey impressions
- Sweet bread, floral and chocolate notes
- A full bodied white tea with sweet caramel hints
- Grown on a specific tea field on Satemwa GPS: 16004'37.26"S35003'20.s7"E
Rich in theanine and antioxidants
Develops with multiple steeps

- Individual leaves hand rolled into cocoons resembling olive green "pearls"
- Light bright yellow
-Freshly baked lemon meringue
-A beautiful light buttery cup with natural sweetness & floral notes like an outstanding Champagne
- A rarity Watch the leaves unfurl. Favours brief frequent infusions in Gungfo Style
Long infusions in hard water will bring out the bitterness

-Highly unusual & unique.
-Clear Pear
- A very generous & intense purely natural lychee & frangipani aromas
- Light, floral & sweet. With touches of the loquat stone fruit
- Hand selected velvety antlers from finely plucked shoots, Experience this teas different dimensions by steeping it up to 6-7 times. Serve chilled all day long in a champagne flute glass

SATEMWA Needles 109
- Zebra striped needles Silver Purple & gently green. Twisted like Kudu horn
- A middle amber, clean & clear
- Like walking through a Mt Mulanje cedar forest
- Rich & round body with hints of spearmint & ripe yellow hay with an elegant finish. Kumquat & apricot develops after further infusions.
- This tea demands multiple infusions
Serve warm or chilled. Full of natural goodness

THYOLO Bspm 111
- Neat cut leaf as a green forest
-A light amber cup
- Notes like a baked apple crumble