Green & OOLONG

Anther challenge was to make green tea in a non traditional green tea area using varietals used for black tea. We were not the first to try in South East Africa, but believe we were the first to make a quality product and show what was possible. We make both a steamed and roasted green green teas and now planting out some interesting varietals that will continue our journey.
Inspired by a trip to Taiwan with one of our Japanese customers in 2007, making an outstanding Oolong has since been an ambition of Alexanders. we work on this each year when the season is right and are building up a following for these teas. Recently we have been producing a first flush in the stye of Darjeeling. Although they call theirs a black tea for us its an Oolong type. Look out for our first flush, we are excited about this one!

-Neat twisted leaf. Lightly oxidized with distinct silver tip & autumnal leaf colours
-Bright apricot liquor
- Distinct orange aroma with a
background of passionfruit and blackcurrant
-Mellow sweet orange and sweet pea
notes that linger on the pallet
- This Oolong is made from a hybrid know to
be rich in theanine and EGCG
314 Oolong

- Nice hard wither with a colourful mix
-Bright, deep golden even infusion
- A tender floral smell
- Floral attack held through, well
structured and strong finish with
unique flavour points
- This tea is processed in an intensive
but gentle twist and roll process.
Father Zambezi's MISSION 315 Oolong

- Velvet green, twist & turned
-Bright Glenmorangie nectar d'or (single malt)
- Cooked fruit
- Malty fruity notes with pleasant aftertaste.
- This tea is named after
Dr.Hastings Nyienda
a very essential botanist working at the
Tea research institute of Malawi. He developed the
cultivar this special Oolong is made off.
Dr HastingsWhim 316 Oolong